March, Rudder

Bull Creek

As I watched the leaves fall off the tree and onto the ground, I cannot help but wonder, “why is nature so beautiful?” The ground is covered in brown and tan leaves. The birds are chirping to one another. The sun was hitting on back and it was a beautiful day. There were dogs roaming around sniffing every possible thing that they could sniff. It was starting to look greener at Bull Creek. I could feel and see that spring had finally arrived. I do not know if I am ready. When I am sitting there observing, I like to listen to water running down. The trees are a great at providing shade. This time I did not go near the water; I picked a different spot above to look out. I sat at a bench and watched the people go into the water. I got a little scared when I felt a bug crawling up my arm. I am not a very big fan of bugs. The grass has gotten green and it is looking better than the brown and yellow grass earlier in the semester. The trees in the back could use a little more water so they do not look so dry. There is a trail beyond the creek that walked along. The trail goes up the creek and is god for riding bikes along. The different kinds of flowers are blooming along the trail that looked beautiful. I spotted a couple of blue bonnets. I know those are popping up everywhere around Austin and especially at school.

To sum up, wildlife once fed us and shaped our culture – Aldo Leopold

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