Math major Stephanie Thrash has been accepted to an NSF-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, June 12 to August 7, 2016. Research topics for the program include lottery voting (can randomness lead to better representation?), graphs and election simulation (use graphs to simulate diverse electorates in referendum elections), big data analysis and visualization (solve applied mathematics problems that involve large data sets and creative visualizations), outer billiards (explore fundamental domains of outer billiard maps in the hyperbolic plane and/or Euclidean plane), geometry and groups (create and classify finite geometries from finite groups), graph embeddings (enumerate the embeddings of graphs into a flat three-torus), and equal circle packing (find and prove the optimality of dense arrangements of circles on tori or Klein bottles). Congratulations to Stephanie for being accepted to this nationally competitive program and for taking advantage of such an exciting opportunity to conduct research in mathematics!