Blog Post #5


The first project I have been working on is a very simple game made in Scratch. It’s called “Space Twins.”

You can play the game here.


I am responsible for all aspects of the game’s creation including art, code, and mechanic design. Here were the requirements of the game. We had 4 days to have a playable demo.

“Building off our discussion today, the purpose of this exercise is to build feedback into your game (both positive and negative) through means other than numbers. Figure out ways of rewarding (or warning) the player that uses visual cues, art cues, GUI (Graphical User Interface) elements, and, of course, sound effects.

You must follow these guidelines:

  1. Give it a unique title.

  2. No numeric scoring.

  3. No numeric timers.

  4. Single player.

  5. As with your “Fear the Goat” game, it must provide a compelling three-minutes of gameplay.


The strongest aspect of Space Twins is it’s code. It’s easy to understand, even to people who didn’t write it, and it’s efficient. While I’m sure someone more expirence  coding, they could make it better, but with the expirence level I’m at, I’m very happy with it.

Weakest is gameplay design. I want to make it longer (my next step). The major downfall with puzzle games is that they have no replayability. This is why procedurally generated puzzle games do well.

To improve the game conceptually, I will need to update some of the sprites and lengthen the game out. For technical improvements, I could go through and combine some code blocks and look at how other similar games are coded and learn from those.

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