Typography I: Grids and Spreads

grids -17etxa4 proj. 6-1xvukne

proj. 6-1xvukne


The assignment was to take the copy and images from a deconstructed design journal and make it into an InDesign file for a possible print publication. There was also the option to take a web article of a story from national geographic or another news website and format it for possible print publication. I fulfilled the project requirements by creating both a design journal and national geographic print design. I used Adobe Indesign to create these two possible publications. The process I followed for my design journal layout was filled with trial and error. I struggled to balance the heavy, busy images of design examples with the bulk copy. Additionally, I struggled with the images in the national geographic layout featuring images and text from Yellowstone National Park because the images are the strongest part of the content, and I needed to not overburden them with text. I made the decisions to make the design journal layout modern and minimalist. I used the copy text in justified bulks to mimic the angular images, using different weighted rectangles for emphasis. For the Yellowstone layout, however, I allowed the images to run the pages, making them full bleed and the only source of color. My design embodies the ideas in my concepts from the way that the design journal’s text mimics the overall layout, graphics and images, and from the way that the Yellowstone layout is run by the powerful images that lead the text and content. My design enhances the content by allowing attention to fall to the images in the Yellowstone layout, but still keeping the easily legible facts and quotes about the images represented. Additionally, my design enhances the content by allowing design to run the layout for the dsign journal because design is the focal material in this case.

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