Advanced Issues in Typography: Weather Report


The assignment was to make an interactive/futuristic weather report focusing on four cities over a three-day weekend. The project revolved around the choreography of the LTCH principles: Location, Time, Category, and Hierarchy. I fulfilled the project requirements by creating a weather report that showed the weather of the four cities: Seattle, Austin, Orlando, and Chicago. I followed the weather of these four cities over the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of a three day weekend. The process I followed was one of structure, as I planned, and drew, and storyboarded every transition from one composition to another. I moved from Time to Catagory to Hierarchy to Location. I made the decisions to keep it clean and short because people don’t want to watch needless choreography of animated characters do flips and tricks when all they want is to see the weather forecast. My design embodies the ideas in my concepts by portraying a ‘70s nostalgia in my animation. I considered what a weather report might look like in the future and thought about what might make something stand out creatively. I choose vintage colors and fonts on an old-school animated TV because it felt more humanistic. The future is often depicted as cold and calculating, so I made my weather report nostalgic and capable. My design enhances the content by standing out among other similar weather reports. I  made my weather reportable to be interactive by explicitly choosing the cities I wanted to view. If this animation were an app, which is the context I envisioned it would exist in, the user would pick their cities, for example, Seattle, Austin, Orlando, and Chicago, and the application would show my animation as the result.

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