Graphic Design I: Cognitive Map

The assignment was to make a map of the specific cognitive decisions of a person. I fulfilled the project requirements by creating a map of my decisions in picking out an outfit. The biggest touchpoints of this map were weather, and available clothes. I used only clothes that I had in my own closet as my building blocks for the potential outfits. The process I followed was one that tracked my own decisions of picking out an outfit. I started with a flow chart of decisions, then my ideas evolved into a poster.I made the decision to make this project a poster so it could have a specific purpose. The poster could hang outside or on our closet door, so it could aid in finding an outfit. My design embodies the ideas in my concepts because I not only tracked my decisions in picking an outfit, but also gave it a purpose and illustrations that solidified the concept of an “Outfit Aid” My design enhances the content by creating a visually appealing and personalized map. The map is more interactive and decision conscious than based around place or motion.

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