3rd Batch

When people walk throughout SoCo, I think they get caught up in what the street wants to be portrayed as and forgot about what it once was. Before this hotel was here, there was a bunch of food trucks on this lot. There was this one snow-cone truck that had the best sweet tea snow cones. In this image, I see Gestalts law of repetition.


When walking past this, the simplicity of it caught my attention. Something so natural up against something so artificial. The two contradict each other but fit so well together. In this image I see Gestalt Law of Proximity.


I took this in front a record store that you have to walk through an alley through. In this photo there is Gestalt law of continuity.


The sun began to go down as I walked through the alley. In this photo a ray of the sun is beaming on the middle of fence, almost as if South Congresses radiance is fading as I walk through the alley. In this photo there is Gestalt law of Repetition.


I shot this photo behind a building in the alley. In this photo there is Gestalt law of Repetition.


Last photo of the bunch and it is deep in the alley. My photo set is telling a story about how most new visitors to SoCo don’t get to see the street how many others see it on a regular basis. Such as everyday workers, homeless people, or austinites. It might just seem like this “austin-themed” spot that is very local and cool but it took a lot to get where its at. I’m aware of this because that is how I perceived it until I went through the ends and outs of it.


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