AAA #10: You Guessed It…Same as Last Time

Last week there came a group of developers from Worldwalker Games named Nate & Anne Austin to discuss behind the scenes with us about their upcoming game, Wildermyth, and Fantasy Role-Playing Game. For starters, the developers wanted the game to in a 2.5 dimensional art form, with the game featuring Dynamic Writing to where the randomly generated, customizable characters will not only be given back stories, but witty dialogue as well. The storytelling with be character-driven as well. The thing I’ve learned from the studio that’s new, is that they are a studio unlike other studios, they watch and listen to the feedback that players give to the company.

There are some questions I would like ask, depending on what the art pieces look like. How long have you work on this piece of art, and how long have you been doing this?

AAA #9: Same Stuff, Different People

What we had in last week’s presentation, we had several other people to take up on stage to discuss what art-related profession they have. The first presenter was a man named Alejandro Ura, a volunteer/employee apart of the SXSW Business Development program for Gaming. He and the rest of the team are responsible for setting up sets for not only video game displays to consoles and arcade machines for people to play on, but they are responsible for creating stages for tournaments on main stream games like League of Legends or World of Warcraft. The second presenter was Anthony M. Zuba, a graphic designer at His responsibilities was to create a variety of decorative posters for either multiple charities, concerts, movies, etc. And finally, there was Edith Valle, a member of the GDES 2016. She did a senior project for her university thesis, and her day job, while attedning the North American Risograph Conference, her day job was to work for the communities of Austin, dealing with environmental awareness and other economic issues.


For possible internships, here are the possible sites I’d like to intern for.


AAA #8: Plans & Presentations

Last week, we were given a presentation of artists who were, as a matter of fact, faculty members of St. Edward’s University. One of them was in charge of a publication studio, where their designers try to raise money to create a lecture series for students, Bill Kennedy, who is in charge of the Wicked Problems program called “Problem with Photography”, showed us a slideshow of his digital photo graphs of real objects, our main teacher of the Visual Studies seminar, showed his collection of his works like very clever posters, packaging stickers, and other work for the Visual Studies department, and Kim Garza, an associate professor and designer, is also a filmmaker she created experimental movies.


In my five year plan, when I graduate from college, I’m going to try and get a job from people/organizations who hire people in my kind of field (journalism). What I need to do to accomplish those goals, is to:

  1. Graduate College
  2. Intern or Send a job application to a news team
  3. Find the one that best suits….and most importantly
  4. Never get fired from my job.
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