Laguna Gloria Book
Presented above is the final assembly for this semester’s focus on Laguna Gloria. I created a visual guide of sorts to the invasive species on the grounds that are currently being managed and removed as part of the site’s renovation plan. The collections are assembled into an envelope style box stylized to match the colors and plants that are the cornerstone of the contents within. The last image is an example spread from the book’s digital file that lists the plants featured and gives a preface of the book’s contents.
- Cover top
- Cover Reveal
- Collection
- Spread and Binding
- Watercolor 1
- Watercolor 2
- Contents spread
Laguna Gloria Website
Featured here is a series of mocked-up website pages for Laguna Gloria. The examples created are a home page, about us and upcoming events page, and an interactive map of sculptures page, utilizing the same illustrations from the poster designs.
- Webpage 3 “default”
- Webpage 3 with roll-over
Laguna Gloria Posters
Here is a set of two posters I created about the grounds on Laguna Gloria. The first poster is a large-scale map/poster that displays the twelve most notable sculptures on the grounds with custom vectors that represent them. The second poster accompanies the first by providing the information about each of the works on the map for curious audiences.