Style Lesson
The style lesson was used to creatively interpret various aspects of “style”, such as what creates a style and why a certain style might be important. For this assignment, I was part of a group of three, and we were assigned the task of creating portraits that resembled three individual styles, one of which had to resemble the “preppy” style of the 1980s, one that was of our choosing, and the last would be a blend of the two. My group members and I decided to imitate a “bohemian” style alongside the “preppy” style. To do so, we focused on fabrics and patterns. The preppy fashion we studied was primarily made up of solid colors and similar fabrics, whereas bohemian fashion was heavily reliant upon patterns, earthy tones, and varying fabrics. We used those aspects of each style to put together outfits and photograph them, and I was the member who dressed in the “bohemian” style. A studio was chosen for the preppy style because it is often very refined and sterile, influenced more by status than things, my group felt, whereas bohemian fashion is more influenced by nature and physical objects.