VISU 1100: Blog Post #11
-Part 1-
Tuan: I enjoyed Tuan’s presentation, because some of the things he has done are similar to what I have done; specifically the use of his designs for “gift” art for family and friends. Several times my family members or close friends have approached me and asked me to conceptualy design a poster or a t-shirt for them. Only a handful of these have actually been put to use, but at least they serve as practice.
Hollis: I liked Hollis’ use of artwork to depict memories. Since my maternal grandfather’s passing and my maternal grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, I’ve become more and more fascinated with memory and our emotional relationships to them, especially the polar opposites that are joy and grief. Having personally experienced these, and watched my mother experience them for her parents, there’s always a part of me nagging to express my comment on these emotions through my artwork.
Bill: I liked how Bill described the “pathway” of his career, and how there were high points and low points. I think about this often, and wonder what my own career will look like in future years with high points and low points of my own.
-Part 2-
Year 1: Find a long-term internship position that hopefully turns into a paid full-time job.
Year 2: Continue the internship or full-time job.
Year 3: Have a full-time job as a graphic designer, hopefully for advertising or book-cover design.
Year 4: Promotion within job, or seek a new job with higher pay?
Year 5: Have a high paying career as a professional designer. Preferably for book-cover or advertising.
My long term goal, as far as having a degree from college is concerned, is to have a long-term job that I love and where I can do what I love. In order to do this, I will have to be able to be flexible with my skills and improve them in any way that I can in order to “polish my resume” and be noticed for my work and what I am capable of as a prospective designer.