-Part 1-

© 2015, Loren Gamez Space Awaits Us Digital painting, 612 x 792px

© 2015, Loren Gamez
Space Awaits Us
Digital painting, 612 x 792px

© 2015, Loren Gamez Sound the Sirens Digital painting, 612 x 792px

© 2015, Loren Gamez
Sound the Sirens
Digital painting, 612 x 792px

1) The goal of these assignment were to create a “Future” themed poster design and a “Fairy Tale” themed t-shirt design, as part of contests that Command G is having in the fall (poster) and spring (t-shirt).

2) For the first, I had no clue what I wanted to do. I started playing around with geometric shapes. Then I heard on the news that there was possibly evidence of water on Mars, so I turned Mars into the focus of my image, with its habitation being the future aspect. For the second, I knew that I wanted to do mermaids, because I find them fascinating (the darker, eviller ones, that is). So I started playing around with some ideas, and came up with a silhouette, underwater version.


-Part 2- (critique on the Sound the Sirens piece)

1) I think the strongest aspect of this piece is the illusion of depth given by the different opacity of the figures, and the change of opacity of the background.

2) I think the mid-section “fins” on the mermaids detracts from the image because when I look at the image from a distance, there seems to be an illusion that they have two sets of arms, or two sets of tail fins. This will probably be removed in the final piece before submission to the contest.

3) As stated above, the composition can be improved by editing the mermaid figures to be smoother around their mid-sections. Additionally, I might play around with the opacity of the image to see if darker opacity improves the illusion of depth.

4) Conceptually, I might play around with the mermaids’ poses and proximity to see how to improve the illusion of movement and depth. I might also see how it looks in different colors, like a dark blue/green.

5) Technically, I might edit the mermaids’ forms to see in what ways their shapes can be transformed so that each is unique.

6) No additional notes.