I’m going to be honest here. I listened to The Medium is the Message 3 times over the last week, and it still makes no sense to me. The background noise was distracting me from trying to listen to the words of the main speaker.

Part of me wonders if this is the point, but I hate trying to think of some abstract reason about how that’s the point, or the “message” of the podcast. Part of me says yes. Part of me feels as though this is the idea behind it. The idea is that we often try to focus on the intent rather than how something was made, and we often don’t appreciate what is simply in front of us.

But in the end, I feel as though I’m just pulling at straws. So I don’t know…maybe I was on to something. But I’m still at a loss of what that is.

However, the reading made some sense. The reading claims that the medium used to create something is just as important as the finished product. I believe that each medium has a different effect, and feel as though a scene that is painted is not the same as the exact scene drawn with pencils. Therefore, the intent of the artist to use paint rather than pencils is selected on the basis of what effect it will give. In my case, I find painted landscapes more appealing to my eyes than landscapes drawn in grayscale with pencils. This could be opposite for other people. But in either case, the artist had the final say and it is up to the viewer to decipher the intention of the work based on its medium and message.