Douglas Florian: Poet and Illustrator Extraordinaire

Above is a quick author presentation that introduces the wonderful work of Douglas Florian. He is a wonderful poet. I find is work valuable for a variety of purposes, but I would like to highlight how useful his works could be when paired with science. His work could be used to help enrich content about insects, seasons, size, space, and more. Specifically his work could be used in connection to a variety of Texas science TEKS: 10c in grade 2 and 5, 8A grade 1,2,and 5, size in all grades, and earth and space TEK 7 and 8 all grades. These are only a few of the obvious connection to our state standards.

I would also like to thank Angie Zapata for allowing me to borrow, steal, adapt, and add to her original work on Douglas Florian. I am grateful.