Show me the answer…

Grade: 3rd

Content Area: Math

TEKS:   (3.1) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses place value to communicate about increasingly large whole numbers in verbal and written form, including money. The student is expected to:

(A) use place value to read, write (in symbols and words), and describe the value of whole numbers through 999,999


Genre: Place Value Poster/Chart


Summary: The Place Value Poster/Chart can be helpful for sudents when they read and write out numbers or money.

Instructional Strategy: Show me the answer

Students will do an activity called Number Line-Up. In this activity 3-6 students get a demo digit card, which is a paper with a number on it, and go to the front of the class. The students in their desk will have smaller versions of digit cards. The teacher will say a 3-6 digit number aloud and the students must arrange themselves to create that number. The students on the desk will create theirs using the small digit cards. Students are to say the number in words, and point to the digit in each place value students in the front of the class will have to raise the correct card. if they need help they are to look up at the Place Value Chart/Poster.
This is a great lesson to use because kinesthetic as well as logical intelligence is used. Students get to move around and construct numbers while interpreting their knowledge of them.

One Great Text: Scienctists Plan Billion Dollar Journey To The Center Of The Earth

DOGOnews is a great website for both students and teachers. Students can make their own personal page where they can earn points and badges, follow other users, bookmar & share news, books, and movies, as well as express their opions about news, books, and movies. The website provides students with great websites and news articles on current events. They can chose articles from various subjects including science, sports, social studies, etc. They can also go on a tab that says maps and on there the map goes on different points and talks about current events going on around the world. I think this is a great website for students to use in any content area but most especially science.

I chose the article entitled “Scientist Plan Billion Dollar Journey To The Center Of The Earth” to share with an 8th grader and a 10th grader. The article talks about how an international team of scientist are on a mission to ‘Explore the Earth Under the Sea’. They want to reach the mantle and extract samples and it talks about how they plan to accomplish their goals. Both students seemed to be very interested in the article. The 8th grader said it was “pretty cool, a little extreme” she also stated that it was a little difficult to read because of the big words being used, she kind of understood it and the pictures helped. However, she tought, after reading the article, that it is not possible and thinks its a waste of money. The 10th grader, on the other hand, believes this is possible and that he hopes they find something that won’t melt to be able to get to the mantle. He stated that it was easy to read, he understood, and disagreed with the fact that it was a waste of money. He tought it was important to find out whats under the crust.

This is the URL to the article:

Parts by Tedd Arnold

Parts is written and illustrated by Tedd Arnold. It is written in rhyme with watercolor illustrations and it is the first in a trilogy on the theme of body parts.  This book can be used for pre-k or kinder students, this way they understand all these things that are happening to them. Also, it can be used to introduce idioms. Students can use it as an example or can pick out the idioms themselves. Also since it is written in rhyme it can be used to introduce poetry, and how poetry can be created into a book as well. It is a very funny book with great illustrations. Below is a snippet of the book:

I just don’t know what’s going on or why it has to be.

But every day it’s something worse. Whats happening to me?

I think it was three days ago I first became aware-

That in my comb were caught a couple pieces of my hair.

I stared at them, amazed, and more Than just a bit appalled

To think that I was only five and starting to go bald.

Then later on (I don’t recall exactly when it was)

I lifted up my shirt and found this little piece of fuzz.

I started at it, amazed, and wondered, Whats this all about?

Carmen Tafolla

[slideshare id=14420179&doc=authorpresentationcarmentafolla-120923185225-phpapp01]

A San Antonio native, Carmen Tafolla is a godmother of Chicana Literature she  is said to give “voice to the peoples and cultures of this land”.  She promotes this through writing poetry, stories, non-fiction, and plays. She has won the Art of Peace Award for work which contributes to peace, justice, and human understanding. Above is a presentation outlining her works, some exaples of it, and ideas on ways to use her book What Can You Do with a Rebozo?