Rhyming Words Brain Pop Jr. Video
I chose a video from BrainPop Jr., Rhyming Words. This video is about 4 minutes long explaining how words rhyme and different strategies to figure out if words rhyme or not. I thought this would be great for kindergarten class because some of the words they use are a little advanced, but they always use audio and visual cues to help understanding. It is also very entertaining and students will be able to follow along and learn.
The video goes with the TEKS I chose for Kindergarten, (b)2(C): orally generate rhymes in response to spoken words. Once they have watched the video, they will better comprehend what it means to decipher rhyming words.
A fun whole classroom activity to do after is the stuffed animal pass with rhyming words. You would have the students sit in a circle. The teacher would start with any word, ‘cat’, that is able to rhyme with multiple words. The teacher then passes the stuffed animal to the student on the left who will come up with a word that rhymes. They will continue to pass the stuffed animal until the students cannot think of any more rhymes! Then, that student who has the stuffed animal will make a new word, ‘pet’, until they cannot think of any more words. They continue to come up with new words until you choose to stop. It can be as short or as long as you would like it to be.
I chose this specific activity because it is a quick introduction into a unit on rhyming words. You can do this activity every day or once a week to assess the progress your class is making. It is also something fun that involved all students in the class and is easy to do if you have a few extra minutes!