Grade: 2nd
Content Area: Social Studies
TEKS: (2) History. The student understands the concepts of time and chronology. The student is expected to: (B) apply vocabulary related to chronology, including past, present, and future. (C) create and interpret timelines for events in the past and present.
Link: How to Make a Timeline
Summary: This “How To” article provides great step by step instructions to help students create their own timeline. It can be a great instructional tool for teachers who can then guide students through the steps. However, if you want students to create a timeline as a “home” project, this is a great instructional tool for parents as well. It provides detailed yet easy to follow instructions.
Instructional Strategy: Students will have learned the terms past, presents, and future and would have explored a variety of text where they can see these terms put to use. Once students have grasped an understanding of the terms they will move into understanding and interpreting timelines. Students will be given the opportunity to create their own timeline about their life. This will be started in class and taken home to finish with their parents/guardians. This is a great way for students to practice speaking in front of the class as they present their timelines. It is also a great way for students to learn and get to know their classmates.