The Main Idea

Summary: This BrainPOP video talks about the concept of finding the main idea in a writing piece. It explains that the main idea is the main point that’s being stated in a paragraph, essay, article or other passage. The video also explains the difference between the topic of a passage and the main idea. Similarly, it talks about how the details in a passage support what the author is trying to say and explains that it is a form of evidence as to why the main idea is true.

This video would be great resource to use in a first grade classroom to reinforce the TEKS §110.13 (14)(A) Students are expected to identify the main idea in a text and distinguish it from the topic. As part of an ELA lesson, this video could be used to introduce the concept of finding the main idea in a passage. After showing this video, the teacher could read-aloud a picture book like Chrysanthemum by Kevin Hanes and then have students do a T-chart on their writing journals labeled as “topic” and “main idea” to practice distinguishing the difference between these concepts. Then, as a fun activity for students to practice supporting the main idea of a passage with evidence, the teacher could have the students trace their hand on construction paper and cut it out. The students would then be expected to write the main idea of the story on the center of the hand and write details that support the main idea on each of the “fingers.”

Here is the website address where you can access this fun video!

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