The Water Cycle

Grade: 2nd grade

Content Area: Science

(8) Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. The student is expected to:
(C) Explore the processes in the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, as connected to weather conditions

Video: Scholastic Teachers, The Water Cycle

This video provides students a great introduction to the water cycle. It gives students a real life situation, provides reasoning and explanation, and introduces water cycle vocabulary.

Instructional Strategy:
This video can be further used within the classroom with an assignment for students. After watching the video, students can create their own water cycle. Students will draw and create their own representation of the water cycle. Students will be instructed to use water cycle vocabulary, such as evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, in their representations. After students create their own water cycle, students will have the opportunity to share their water cycle to the class and describe how it connects to weather conditions.

2 thoughts on “The Water Cycle”

  1. Great idea! I’ve never used the Study Jams website before, but I liked it a lot. The video was easy and interesting to watch because it did connect it to real life and didn’t just spout off facts and vocab words in the typical, boring manner. I think students would enjoy it and actually be able to take something away from it rather than just making them watch a video that they want to sleep through. I like your activity too. It gives students a chance to be creative, but at the same time it tests their knowledge of the water cycle and vocabulary in a non-threatening way. Then they have the opportunity to show off their work, which will encourage them to do a good job instead of rushing through it, plus it is a way to make them proud of their work when they get to present it to others.

  2. Great video. I loved that it was simple, informative, and interesting. I loved learning about the water cycle in school and going over the vocabulary first really helps. This is a cool website and I’ve never been to the site before either. I used to love being able to make my own water cycle. I agree with the previous comment on how it allows kids to get creative. Your activity is great and perfect for second graders. It was a great lesson and creative.

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