2 thoughts on “Pat Mora”

  1. First of all, I really enjoyed your Prezi; it was very clean and pretty to look at. Also, I have never heard of this author and I think you did a great job of giving background information on her. I really like the way you plan to incorporate her poems in your classroom by helping Mexican American students identify with their culture. There seems to be a push for culturally diverse students to transition and try to blend in rather than holding onto their customs and cultures, and I think it’s such a great idea to help these students find literature that relates to their lives rather than forcing them to read only about things they cannot relate to. I also think her poems would be a great way to get other students interested and knowledgeable about other cultures.

  2. I think Pat Mora sounds like a great author connection to have, especially for our community here in Austin. The students would really be interested in the fact that her hometown is also in Texas, and she shares culture with some of our student population. I also appreciated that as a teacher I would be able to share various genres written by her and not just picture books. This is definitely an author that I’m interested in checking out in order to grow my library with books about Mexican American culture for my students!

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