2 thoughts on “Jack Prelutsky”

  1. I really like the Prezi presentation! It would be great to use when introducing students to Jack Prelutsky. I am not too familiar with Jack Prelutsky, but I think his books are great resources to use within the classroom. I like the writerly techniques that he uses and his themes as well. I thought the ideas you had for how to use his writings in the classroom were great ideas. I think it could be used in almost every grade. Thank you for further introducing and educating me about Jack Prelutsky!

  2. I had never heard about Jack Prelutsky, but the little taste of his poetry that you provided was enough to get me to like his work. Prelutsky’s work seems to be wacky and creative which I believe students would enjoy. I liked how your prezi got right to the point and gave me ideas for the classroom. I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t remember teachers introducing new authors and actually focusing lessons around them in the way that many of us suggested in our author presentations. I love the idea you came up with for the use in the classroom; students would definitely get a kick out of being able to use their imaginations and getting the opportunity to be silly while still learning about poetry and figurative language. Since Prelutsky uses so many writerly techniques, I think a book flood would be very beneficial so students get to see the richness in Prelutsky’s inventive verses. Aside from using Prelutsky to teach about poetry, rhyming, and figurative language, I think some of the biographical facts you included would help encourage those students who don’t really seem to like English/Language Arts to keep on trying because they might find joy in writing in the future. Prelutsky is a poet who I will be sure to use in my classroom!

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