Author Presentation: Bruce Lansky

Bruce Lansky is an internationally known poet, sometimes referred to as the “King of Giggle Poetry”. He has a passion for getting children excited about reading and writing poetry and uses fun and playful language that is easy to understand and his poems are usually humorous. After publishing their own cookbook, Lansky and his wife built Meadowbrook Press and he tackled his dream of being a publisher. He decided he wanted to put together a children’s book of all the poems they loved best, so in order to find these poems, he tested poems in elementary schools and in the process began writing his own poems. He has spent a lot of time reading and testing poems in classrooms, and schools started inviting him to perform. He’s now performed at hundreds of schools. “My goal to put on the most entertaining, most educational, and most motivating assembly a school has ever had.” Lansky strives to get children involved in reading and writing poetry with his entertaining assemblies and playful poems.

2 thoughts on “Author Presentation: Bruce Lansky”

  1. Bruce Lansky seems like a great author. I like his passion for entertaining children and writing. It seems like he loves doing this and doesn’t just see it as a boring job. I really enjoyed the snippets you posted of his poems. They made me laugh. I think that comedy is a great tool to use with kids. I really think some poems can be boring and his look like something elementary students would really enjoy.

  2. I really liked this author. I’ll definitely be buying some of his work. I love that his stories rhyme and the illustrations to go along with the story are great. I think you did a great job with this author presentation. I loved it.

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