Peter Nimble and his Fantastic Eyes by Jonathan Auxier


Excerpt from the the text:

Now at this point, it would be wonderful if Peter knew what he was looking at. While certain things in life may seem obvious to seeing people like you and me, this was not so for Peter. Books, for example, with all their adventrue and wonder, were completely lost on him. Though he could tell you how many pages a volume had just by holding it, or how old it was just by smelling it, or who had read it before just by ruffling the pages, he had no way of telling what the title was (unless, of course, it was gilded on the spine). But these six yolks had neither spine, nor gilding, nor anything else that would help Peter identify them.

“What are you?” he asked, taking the open box in his hands. Had Peter been able to see, his hear would have stopped. A smile wuould have crept across his face, and his dry throate would have let loose its first real laugh in ten miserable years. Because Peter Nimble had stumbled across something too wonderful even to imagine- something that could only be described as fantastic.


When I was trying to select a book, I wanted something that would be age appropriate for the grade I wanted to intern in. I also wanted to find a book that was published fairly recently so that it would be new to the students (and fellow classmates) as well. I chose Peter Nimble and his Fantastic Eyes because it had me hooked as soon as I read the first page. Auxier writes beautifully and uses amazing imagery throughout the whole story. Many of his chapters end on cliff hangers, making the reader want to read more and more. Not only is the story a fun read, but it has underlying themes of bravery and justice which could be introduced to the class. The book is definitely a fantasy themed novel and Peter Nimble is a great book to introduce the fantasy genre. This would be an excellent book for students in a fourth or fifth grade classroom to read for a few weeks. I whole heartedly recommend Peter Nimble and his Fantastic Eyes!


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