Mini-Unit on Christopher Colombus

Primary History – Famous People – Christopher Columbus    from the BBC


Content Area: Social Studies, 3rd grade

Summary: This site has many different types of media to explore: a timeline, images, written information, fun facts, an interactive game, and a quiz. If you roll over the yellow diamonds marking important events on the timeline across the top of the page, a text box with information on the event and a portrait of Christopher Columbus will appear. On the left side there is a orange-colored text box which displays written information and 6 different tabs to choose from. On the right side there is a box with different images and maps. Click on them to enlarge the image and a short description of the image will also be displayed. Underneath that you will find the box to click for the interactive game. This 3-level game begins by showing the charter that announces Columbus’ voyage. Click on the image on the charter to proceed (I recommend turning on the subtitles). The game then alternates between Columbus and his crew talking and the 3 levels. On each level students earn stars, depending on there performance. The number of stars earned equals the number of interesting facts they will get at the end of each level. The game ends with a short 3 question quiz. Once they complete this there is an option for them to write there name and print out a certificate. There is also an additional quiz located under the orange text box and a box with different fun facts under the interactive game box.

TEKS: 113.14(b)(3.1)(C) – describe how individuals, including Christopher Columbus, have contributed to the expansion of existing communities or the creation of new communities.

Lesson Overview: I would have students start this lesson by filling out the K and W of individual KWL charts on Christopher Columbus. On a subject so popular as Columbus I am sure most of the students will have some background knowledge on him and since this site has a lot of interesting facts it would be interesting to see what the students take away.

Afterwards I would have students explore this site with a scavenger hunt list, to insure each student gets certain important information. Questions on their list can be formed by the section headings such as How did Columbus change history? (which can be found under the How Columbus Changed History tab) or the questions can be about more specific events like What happened on Christmas night in 1492? (look at the what Columbus discovered tab under the section Shipwrecked). Once all the information has been found students could complete the interactive game and quiz.

When students finish these activities they should fill out the L of their KWL chart.


Eileen C.

One thought on “Mini-Unit on Christopher Colombus”

  1. I really liked the website! I like that it is very interactive and interesting. Your idea about the scavenger hunt activity is a great way to make sure that students are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

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