Mini Unit- Identifying Story Elements

Teks: Kindergarten English, Language Arts, & Reading
(6) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Theme and Genre. Students analyze, make
inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural, historical,
and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their
understanding. Students are expected to:
(A) identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events;

Here is the link to the video:

Title:Flocabulary- Five Things (Elements of a Short Story)
Author: Uploaded by Flocabulary Videos
Summary: This video is a fun song that teaches the elements of a short story. It is based on a rap form, which is a reason I was drawn to it at first. Most of the videos or songs that kids learn these days are catchy silly songs that most of the time you only hear whenever your in school. This song is based in a rap form, which might connect more to the kids and have them become more interested in the song and what they are learning. This video is based on 5 elements of a short story which include: Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme, and Setting. As this song goes on, it also gives examples of the types of things that can be included in each of these catergories. It also shows many pictures so the children can connect between the words and the pictures that are appearing in the video.
Instructional Strategy: I think I would use this video in first introducing elements to a story. I would show this video for a few days, but then I would encourage students to try and memorize parts of the rhyme so that when they are trying to remember all the parts and what they mean, they can sing the song in their heads to help them. After viewing this video, students will write in their own words what they think each of these elements mean to them, and for an extension activity possibly use what they learned on an actual story we read in class to recognize the elements in the story.

One thought on “Mini Unit- Identifying Story Elements”

  1. I really enjoyed this song and video because it was so unique. I hear a lot of songs that are supposed to help kids remember things, but this one stands out. I love how it is a rap! I also liked how the video gave so many examples that students could relate to. I know that you chose this video for a kindergarten class but I think it could be used in upper levels like second and third as well. Also, I liked how you suggested to use the rap and then have the students write about what those words mean to them. You could even use a graphic organizing worksheet!
    Great job! I really enjoyed viewing your project!

    Clare Healy

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