

Title: Temperature

Author: Brain POP

Summary: The video explains molecular movement creating heat energy and relates this to temperature. A thermometer is described thoroughly and touches on Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin scales. Atoms and molecules are discussed relating to heat energy. When something heats up, molecular motion is increased. Boiling points and freezing points are also explained. This video can keep students interested while also learning about temperature changes.

Instructional Strategy: This would be great for a fourth grade class learning about temperature. The video touches on many aspects of temperature and to promote understanding I want the students to do his/her own writing. This writing activity has students write three key terms from what they have just learned and two ideas that he/she would like to learn more about. After each student is done, he/she turns to a partner and discusses the words and concepts written down.For example, atoms and molecules could be two key terms that were just learned, and an example of an idea the student would like to learn more about could be the stopping of molecular motion.

TEK: 112.15b(5)(A)

(A)  measure, compare, and contrast physical properties of matter, including temperature.

One thought on “Temperature”

  1. I couldn’t imagine any student not enjying Brain Pop videos, they are a great resource to be entertained and secretly learning at the same time. I think your strategy for students writing vocabuary and idea they would like to learn more about is great. This writing could also be used for students to write down question or confusion the might be experiencing to share wit classmates. I must admit, during the video I remembered a lot fo key ideas about temperature, but I was questioning how an actual thermometer works, then the video went on to explain my question. We all learn new things everyday!
    Thanks for sharing,

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