One Great Text: Poem by Kenn Nesbitt

The One Great Text that I shared was a poem by Kenn Nesbitt. I found this author while looking through some of the author presentations made by my fellow classmates. One presentation, over Kenn Nesbitt, explained how his poetry could be used for science. I went on his website and found one poem that I thought was not only funny but a great educational tool. The poem is entitled My Senses All are Backward. I thought this poem was great when talking about the five senses with students. It’s a fun way to explore and check for understanding.

Click here to view the full poem!

I shared this poem with my reading group that consisted of five students. They really enjoyed the poem and found it very funny. Here are a few of their responses:

“He was funny”

“I love the poem”

“I like that the senses are backwards”

“I like that he likes the smell of skunks”


5 thoughts on “One Great Text: Poem by Kenn Nesbitt”

  1. What a great poem! I literally laughed out loud after reading the last verse. The thing that’s great about this poem is not only is it comical (which I think is a great asset), but it also talks about things kids can relate to and are familiar with (like most kids like chocolate and are probably freaked out by eating liver). The only suggestion I have is it might be a good idea to go over the senses before you have the class read the poem if you have english language learners in your classroom.

  2. What a fun poem! I agree that this would work very well in science when discussing and learning about the five senses. I also think it would be a great text to use within language arts as well. Students could write their own creative poem about the five senses, incorporating what they learned in science, and also utilizing their writing skills.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your “one great text.” I think that the poem was funny and would be a great tool to use after a lesson about the five senses since it would be both fun and engaging for students. I also think that it could easily be used for checking for understanding given that the teacher can easily lead the class into a discussion about what is “backwards” about the poem. Overall, I think that this text is a great way to explore the concept of the five senses with young students.

  4. I loved this poem! It was very creative and used senses very well. Being able to connect the 5 senses to this poem will work well! I also think taking the time to talk about the way the poem used senses would be good! I think all students would love this poem, even the older students! Great find!

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