Parts by Tedd Arnold

Parts is written and illustrated by Tedd Arnold. It is written in rhyme with watercolor illustrations and it is the first in a trilogy on the theme of body parts.  This book can be used for pre-k or kinder students, this way they understand all these things that are happening to them. Also, it can be used to introduce idioms. Students can use it as an example or can pick out the idioms themselves. Also since it is written in rhyme it can be used to introduce poetry, and how poetry can be created into a book as well. It is a very funny book with great illustrations. Below is a snippet of the book:

I just don’t know what’s going on or why it has to be.

But every day it’s something worse. Whats happening to me?

I think it was three days ago I first became aware-

That in my comb were caught a couple pieces of my hair.

I stared at them, amazed, and more Than just a bit appalled

To think that I was only five and starting to go bald.

Then later on (I don’t recall exactly when it was)

I lifted up my shirt and found this little piece of fuzz.

I started at it, amazed, and wondered, Whats this all about?

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