Carmen Tafolla

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A San Antonio native, Carmen Tafolla is a godmother of Chicana Literature she  is said to give “voice to the peoples and cultures of this land”.  She promotes this through writing poetry, stories, non-fiction, and plays. She has won the Art of Peace Award for work which contributes to peace, justice, and human understanding. Above is a presentation outlining her works, some exaples of it, and ideas on ways to use her book What Can You Do with a Rebozo?

2 thoughts on “Carmen Tafolla”

  1. Your presentation on Carmen Tafolla was just wonderful. I really enjoyed the quote you began with. I like the author is a well accomplished Hispanic woman. I would love to have her work in my classroom to encourage little girls to write. I also like that you included a lot of pictures of the books she’s gotten published.

  2. I enjoyed your presentation of Carmen Tafolla. I love that she is a local author. I did not know that before.
    I also liked your connections to Social Studies and incorporating culture. I think this is something that is important in the classroom, but is hard to facilitate. I think Tafolla’s books are a great introduction for incorporating culture.

    One suggestion I have is makes the text for the pictures a little bigger. I don’t know if it is possible, but it was too hard to read and I could not view your presentation in full screen mode for some reason.

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