Author Presentation- Greg Tang

Above is a quick author presentation that introduces the work of Greg Tang. He his an author of children’s books which teach different math concepts such as Multiplication, Grouping, Group Counting, and Addition. Tang uses rhyme and riddles to encourage students to figure out math problems. Although Greg Tang’s work most closely relates to Science, his books could also be used for Art (Math-terpieces) or as inspiration for Writer’s Workshop.

Here is a link to an interview of author Greg Tang about why he writes his math books.

Meet Greg Tang


Eileen C.

2 thoughts on “Author Presentation- Greg Tang”

  1. I really liked how you added techniques to use with the books. I loved the technique where students write a poem combining 2 favorite subjects. I find it very helpful for students that have trouble understanding math.
    One idea I thought about it is to use a book and creat word problems that relate to the story. Students would be more engage if they can make connections.

  2. Learning about this author was enjoyable because Math is one of my weaker subjects and I am always looking for resources to build my confidence in this content area. Since I am a visual learner, Tang’s approach to teaching math was also appealing. His inclusion of riddles, rhymes, and fables within math content motivates students to engage in math material. You provided thorough information about his background and offered us a wealth of information about his themes as well as examples of his work. I definitely plan on using some of Tang’s books within my classroom.

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