Snippet: A Pig is Big by Douglas Florian

This beautifully illustrated children’s book explores ‘what’s big?’ within our world.  Through rhyme, author Douglas Florian, weaves a silly and entertaining story about a chubby, pink pig as he travels around the world. The story highlights the comparison between the concepts of big, bigger, and biggest.  A math lesson where size comparison is investigated would be an ideal environment to use this book.

Here’s a snippet:

“What’s big? A pig is big. A pig is fat. A pig is bigger than my hat. What’s bigger than a pig? A cow. It’s bigger than a boar or sow. It’s bigger yesterday and now. What’s bigger than a cow? A car. It’s bigger than a cow by far. Inside a car a cow can squeeze. And drive a pig to town with ease. What’s bigger than a car? A truck. A truck can haul a car that’s stuck, that’s stuck in all the mud—bad luck. What’s bigger than a truck? (p. 1-10)”

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