Monthly Archives: April 2017
Symbol Methodology
These logos are a reference to my experience as a university student stained with the trauma of previously living in hazardous environments as a child. Living in the ghettos has equipped me with a set of survival skills that are less essential for surviving in a private university setting. I find myself contemplating about potential risk and danger far more than my peers and feel as if I have
Wikipedia Reader
This assignment I was assigned to take a wikipedia post and typeset it into a booklet. I am deeply fascinated with the parallel between the dismay shown in Edgar Allan Poe’s biography and his writings, so I chose his wikipedia page. I chose fonts that reference how type is used in modern museum in order to display Edgar Allan Poe in that same archaic fashion.
Type Specimen Poster
In order to showcase the character of this typeface I designed, I created type specimen posters. These posters act as an exemplar to guide potential users of this typeface, displaying that this font’s elegance lies in subtlety and strategic yet generous uses of space—design fundamentals native to Japan.
Display Typeface
This typeface is inspired from a quote dealing with a traditional sense of love, which I associate with marriage. The crane, in Japanese culture, along with other east Asian cultures, is a common motif used in wedding ceremonies and a symbol of longevity and good fortune. In order to capture the delicate elegance associated with wedding ceremonies and the essence of a crane, I used form inspired by origami to create this typeface and named it Tsuru, crane in Japanese.