Grids and Spreads

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     For my layout I am really happy with the professional look I feel I was able to get across. It was a lot more difficult than I first thought would be required to simply lie words on a page but I was very happy when I felt that what I had created looked like something I might actually see in a magazine. It was fun trying to figure out how to work around rivers or pools in the type and trying to balance it so not too much imagery was taking up the page. Overall I am very happy with this final product as I feel that it looks just as good as what I could find in the local newspaper, and this functional and informative look was what I was hoping to achieve in this assignment.

Type Specimen Poster


     For my type specimen poster I chose “Chalkduster” because it reminded me of the chalkboards I would write on in elementary school. I tried to recreate this feeling of elementary school with my poster so I lined up all the letters and information as if a teacher were teaching their students how to write their letters for the first time. I also used the “create your own sentence” portion to reflect my thought on the elementary experience in the fashion of a child who needed to write on the board 50 times as punishment for something. I also made all the writing waver a little to try and emphasize the handwritten feel, especially of a child who does not yet know how to write straight even if no lines are present. I am overall very happy with the feel of this poster as I feel it completely relays what I was trying to express.

Letter Form Scavenger Hunt

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I had a lot of fun with this assignment as I chose to get all of my typefaces from the branches of trees. I climbed many trees around campus looking for letters in the way the branches interweaved with one another. The reason I chose to do this was because I love to climb trees and I wanted to be able to show the beautiful views I get to see when I climb, even if it is only through the way the branches intertwine. I know not many people climb trees, so I wanted them to be able to see some of what I can see when I rise through their branches. Although I received a low grade because I did not incorporate any man made things into my assignment, I feel that my focus on nature and the sightings available in its simplicities was better conveyed because of this.


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For this assignment I had a lot of fun trying to find typefaces for my lines of text. I chose to use text from the sequels of movies and tried to get extremely varying impressions from each typeface I chose. A lot of my choices were done because I found them to be funny considering the context of what they said or where they were from. One for instance “The dream warriors” seemed like it belonged to a little girl super hero group, when it was in actuality from the sequel to a Freddie Kruger film. This isolation from the source material was what I was trying to achieve in this assignment, and my professor even told me that I was able to find the comedy in typography.

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