App Interface

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     For my app I wanted my primary focus to be functionality, efficiency, and simplicity over everything else. I feel that I was able to get simplicity across with the minimal space occupying the screen at any one time and the simple color pallet. I feel I was able to get efficiency across with how all the options are contained into four main buttons that are activated by sliding, how the caps lock and shift buttons are different buttons entirely, and how instead of having a number button and a period button, the period was placed with the numbers and a new button was created for type options. I also feel functionality was shown through the fact that the interface allows for adding things like underline, bold, and italics while still staying in the keyboard and not having to interrupt the flow of typing to  leave to a special options menu. Overall I am satisfied with the typing portion of my interface but feel that I could have done more for the visuals of my sub menus.

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