Typography I: Prototype



This was my first assignment as a Type I student. We were asked to choose one word from the words given by Natalie and accurately convey the meaning of the word typographically. I went through more than 50 iterations to arrive at the final product of the word, “expulsion,” which I believe conveys the meaning of the word in an aesthetically pleasing and balanced way. However, my initial iterations were more complex, as I was just learning how to use the “type on a path” tool. During Crit, Natalie noted all of our designs didn’t necessarily convey the words we were given, rather, seemed directionless or aesthetically pleasing but disregarding of the meaning of the word. She advised us to think conceptually about the essence of the word and to try and convey this essence in the simplest way we could. As easy as it sounded at the time, it was infinitely harder than before. However, I learned how to think about things not only visually, but conceptually, and arrived at an iteration that worked with negative space– something I had not yet explored.




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