April 16-25

By Wednesday, April 22nd @ midnight, e-mail a draft of your entire research paper to your peer review partner; and submit your draft to Turnitin under “Assignments” in Blackboard. Be sure to insert a page break before the Works Cited.

Your paper should be less than 20% direct quotations. Click on the report icon to view the Turnitin.com report, click on “exclude bibliography” to get the percentage of quotations. Then click on “exclude quoted” to see if you have any direct quotes that are not acknowledged. Remember that indented quotes (quotations longer than 4 lines) should not have quotation marks. Indented quotes will be highlighted, so correct only those quotations that are improperly referenced.

By Saturday, April 25th @ Noon, return your peer review to your partner via email; and submit a copy of your peer review under “Assignments.”

Peer reviews should include:

  • a critique of content, spelling/grammar/typos, MLA/CMS format, as well as both the sources and format of the Works Cited. You may use the Microsoft Word track changes feature for your peer review. Please see grading rubric for your peer review.

Please stick to these deadlines so you and your classmates can complete your papers after receiving a peer review. Late drafts and late peer reviews cannot receive credit.