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Lockett III Final

Here it is. https://medium.com/@lockett.sully096/looking-down-the-barrel-25c81fa82863#.m7319077p

O’Brien – Final

Abortions Performed in Texas Over the Last 10 Years by Race/Ethnicity Create line charts          

Story 3-Mayberry

Activism Through Religion

Lopez-Story 3

Rethinking What It Means to be a Christian Each Sunday a group of around 60 or 70 people from many different backgrounds arrive at Journey Imperfect Faith Community with a blank slate, at least that’s the idea. The North Austin… Continue Reading →

Ibarra BS3 Final

https://medium.com/@laurennibarra/whats-next-for-millennial-grads-e69fa6335aa2#.llqyqrrsl Here is my story, a combo of writing and video! I decided to go away from my beat for the final story.

Cuneo – Story 3 “Why a Baby Boomers Retirement is Something We Should Be Talking About”

Story 3 Final – GONZALEZ

Coaching 101: Life lessons heading into basketball season      

Why are textbooks pricey? It’s complicated

Compared to online retailers like Amazon and Chegg, the St. Edward’s University bookstore sells most textbooks at higher prices. Senior Nicole Morgan doesn’t buy her books from the bookstore. “It’s very expensive,” she said. “Even renting prices are outrageous, so… Continue Reading →

OBRIEN STORY 3 – Draft 1

Initially I wanted to stay on my beat (or at least beat adjacent) but on Monday I changed my mind. Instead of writing about the demand for programmers and developers across all corporate spectrums I would like to write or… Continue Reading →

Lopez Story 3

After wandering around searching for a way into a clemency story, I’ve shifted gears. Instead, I want to do a story on public access TV here in town. Who on earth is watching a public access show at 5:20 am?… Continue Reading →

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