Just another St. Edwards University Sites site

Author Rosemond Crown

Why are textbooks pricey? It’s complicated

Compared to online retailers like Amazon and Chegg, the St. Edward’s University bookstore sells most textbooks at higher prices. Senior Nicole Morgan doesn’t buy her books from the bookstore. “It’s very expensive,” she said. “Even renting prices are outrageous, so… Continue Reading →

Crown Story 3 Draft- Why are textbooks so expensive at the bookstore

Along with limited parking, unsatisfactory food and tuition, the price of textbooks at the bookstore is one of the most angering issues for students. When compared to online retailers like Amazon and Chegg, the St. Edward’s bookstore sells some textbooks… Continue Reading →

Crown Story 2 final

My story is on Medium. Check it out here.

Crown Story 3 pitch

For this story 3, I am still going to  try and look at religious schooling in Austin. I will look at how they are funded, their curriculum, and how parents make the decision to choose relifious school over regular public… Continue Reading →

Crown Election Story

The battle for presidency of the United States between secretary of state, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and business billionaire, Donald Trump, began 595 days ago and is set to end on election day- today. While there are no voting… Continue Reading →

Crown Story 2 Draft


Crown Final Submission Story 1

My story was done on Medium. Check it out here: https://medium.com/@rosemondarnoldacrown/a-test-of-faith-practicing-islam-at-a-catholic-american-university-1138f27c1a1f#.sftj1kjjk

Crown Second Draft

My second draft is on Medium https://medium.com/@rosemondarnoldacrown/a-test-of-faith-practicing-islam-at-a-catholic-american-university-1138f27c1a1f#.z0708goc3

Crown Story 2 Pitch

2ReligiousSchooling- In Austin there are many religious schools. There are obviously many Christian schools but also many Muslim schools- about 5 to be exact. I am going to do a broadcast video looking at how similar or different these schools… Continue Reading →

Crown first draft story 1

I did my story on medium. Click here to see it.

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