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Author libarra4

Ibarra BS3 Final

https://medium.com/@laurennibarra/whats-next-for-millennial-grads-e69fa6335aa2#.llqyqrrsl Here is my story, a combo of writing and video! I decided to go away from my beat for the final story.

Ibarra Story 3 Draft

Bear with me bc my interviewees weren’t available due to traveling for the holidays. Here is a rough outline: Introduce David Sollee Where he is now in life plays 4-5 shows a week Makes a living as a musician The… Continue Reading →

Ibarra BS2

My story is on Medium: https://medium.com/@laurennibarra/its-brodie-s-fault-f63330464799#.o8h85kvbl  

Ibarra BS3 Pitch

WeMadeIt–Profile on David Sollee, the singer and ukulelist who plays in a band called the Soulies. They play about four shows a week. Although they have their own music, they mainly perform covers. What are his struggles? What lead him… Continue Reading →

Election Story Ibarra

The lesser of two evils Interviewed three people, Ben Cook, Hailey N and Allyson Wiest on Nov 1. Cook voted for Hillary bc he’s a dem, but he doesn’t trust her; he originally wanted to vote for Bernie, but when… Continue Reading →

Ibarra BS2 Draft

Listen to excerpts from the interviews here. [View the story “It’s Brodie’s Fault” on Storify]


AUSTIN, TX—To be successful in Austin, TX, musicians have to work hard and have internet presence. Jake Laporte was 10 years old when he first wanted to be a musician. “I heard The White Stripes song ‘Seven Nation Army,’ and… Continue Reading →

In-Class Data Exercise Lauren Ibarra

This is a map that shows the percentage of students age 5-17 in poverty in various school districts in Travis County. The legend is in the bottom right corner, and it denotes the percentage of children in poverty on the map.

Story 2 Pitch Ibarra

2PROFILE–Brodie’s Fault is an artist management firm started by SEU student Brodie’s Fault. When did they start? What do they do? Where are they going?


Watch the movie Spotlight. Pay close attention to the reporting process. What “data”  the journalists dug up, collected and organized: PD Numbers The priest had molested kids at 6 different parishes Documents proving the cardinal knew Priest in Boston molested… Continue Reading →

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