Watch the movie Spotlight. Pay close attention to the reporting process.
What “data” the journalists dug up, collected and organized:
- PD Numbers
- The priest had molested kids at 6 different parishes
- Documents proving the cardinal knew
- Priest in Boston molested 80 kids, law documents proving the cardinal knew
- File a motion to lift the seal off documents for the Geoghan Case
- court cases
- church directories–to track priests; to get stats
- names of priests who’d been accused
- legal records
What tools did they use?
- the law
- lawyers
- written documents
- printed documents
How did they analyze what they found?
- they interview people
- they looked at the data from a broader scope
How did they pull this all together to tell the story?
- they interviewed people
- they used the numbers to create perspective for the story
What were the editors doing? What was their role?
- editors decide whether to do the story
- make sure the story is moving
- looking at the bigger story
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