A Look Into CABRA : I am going to do a story on CABRA, St. Edward’s University magazine. I want to understand what goes into the picking of models and why they choose who they choose. If I am able to, I hope to photograph or video the auditions, like a behind the scenes segment. I also want to understand and learn about what goes into the processĀ of picking the magazine’s themes and photos for the semester. I will be speaking to the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Ysenia Valdez and ask her about what made her start the magazine on campus and how she got it started. I am hoping to either do a story with photos or a short video. CUNEO
September 20, 2016 at 1:57 am
Cool, I am also curious where they are getting their influences (ie photographers, bloggers, other mage) and if they are trying to establish their own trends or just document what is happening on campus.