Identifying CAPCOG
Capital Area Council of Governments is a voluntary association that provides regional level collaboration between the counties of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis, and Williamson of Data, Maps, and Reports that are useful for applying shapefiles to your map.
Some key details of the CAPCOG Free Regional Data page is organized by Data Category buttons such as Administrative Boundaries, Census & Statistical Areas (which does not work), Transportation, Property, Structures, Hydrography & Landscape, Floodplains & Hazard Risk, and Other Data (which unfortunately also does not link to anything). Data can also be found through the search bar and a full list of datasets. Obtaining data by using the “full list” is more user-friendly.
One area of interest is School Districts. Key details about this information are when selecting the data, it can be viewed, it is separated by details, table and, charts above the data attributes table. is the table because it is identifiable by school district names. You may also add filters to the data or download the file. The statistical and census data can be found under Central Texas Regional Map by counties. Ways to use this data is by incorporating census information, and GIS data for mapping and spatial analysis.