Texas Commission of Environmental Quality’s Air monitoring geospatial data
The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has geospatial datasets available (Link below) for download as shapefile, file geodatabase, or Google Earth format. The data available, just like everything in the TCEQ website is divided in water, land, and air. One of datasets that would be useful for the topic I’m interest in doing my project in would the Air Monitoring Sites file. This file contains the location for every active air monitoring station in Texas and a few across the border in Mexico that affects Texas’ air quality. Each station contains information related to the location but not the air pollutants that it monitors. There are other data sets that contain the air monitoring sites by type. Each file contains sites that measure a specific pollutant.
This data can be used to relate the active stations in Texas to their compliance status. Usually areas that struggle to be under compliance have more monitoring sites. Comparing their compliance status and pollutant concentrations to the monitoring stations could point out if there has been any progress since they installed the monitoring sites.
Link: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/gis/download-tceq-gis-data/#air