Hydromet Rainfall Geospatial Data
The Lower Colorado River Authority is a Texas nonprofit created in 1934 by legislature. Their mission includes providing energy, water and wastewater treatment, water quality and stewardship through public education and community service.
The overall LCRA Hydromet is a database system of more than 275 automated river and weather gauges throughout the lower Colorado River basin in Texas. The Hydromet provides near-real-time data on stream flow, river stage, rainfall totals, temperature and humidity.
The central Texas LCRA area rainfall map will be useful to John and I’s project because our project mentor would like us to correlate sample data and precipitation on a yearlong graph (rainfall Y by month X). This map gives me two fairly close data points to pull from – the Westlake HS one and Barton creek one to average together to start the data for our graph and expound from there.
If any of you would like any further information, the main link is below.