My strengths in ______ includes:

  • Spanish: I am a quick learner and tries to learn the language
  • Science and Theology: I am very interested and engaged with the material
  • Rhet. and Comp.: I try to participate and make things more lively and engaging.
  • Drawing 1: I love to draw and that transfers over to the pieces that I work on.
  • Visual Studies: Although some may get the wrong Idea, I am very interested and engaged in the things that we learn
  • Math: I am constantly asking for help when I need it and will go to my professor’s office hours.

For greater success I need to:

  • In all my classes I have to become more active and engaged with the material o that I take more pride in my work and strive to become better.

Computer Skills:

  • My computer skills include knowing how to research and look for answers to my questions, aside from googling. I also know how to type and do some graphic design.
  • I still need to learn how to code, really use graphic design tools and computer science overall.

Research & writing skills:

My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include:

  • Finding sources
  • evaluating sources
  • reading dense material

I need to work on these aspects of research and writing:

  •  Reading sources quickly
  • evaluating authors

I learn best & accomplish most when:

  • I am completely awake
  • not around people
  • motivated
  • left alone


Visual Studies seminar:

  • Do blog Posts
  • Take better notes
  • go to office hours
  • ask friends
  • relocate my seat often
  • ask questions
  • email my professor
  • Do the blog posts with a friend
  • schedule better



This is the picture that I plan to turn in as my final . I wanted to incorporate many of the things that I liked to draw into one. This still needs work because I have to cover the bottom with flowers and make the falling pearls and raindrops more realistic. Basically I have a lot of shading to do.