Just another St. Edwards University Sites site

Month November 2014

Response to the study abroad presentations

First and foremost I wasn’t to apologize about briefly falling asleep in the study abroad presentation at the end. I did find it and the presenter really interesting, I was just really drowsy because the medication that I took earlier… Continue Reading →

This is a drawing that I did in Art class where we had to draw one of several different types of high heels, or boots.  chose this shoe because it was facing me and I have never drawn a shoe… Continue Reading →

Zombie Protection Unit

For This piece I used a 48″ x 36″ canvas, oil based paint. I got the inspiration for this piece from a tattoo that my oldest brother did of a zombie eating flesh. I wanted there to be some type… Continue Reading →

My Work: Skull Art


Faculty presentations

Hollis: I was really shocked and impressed with the artwork that She’s done and how realistic her style is. The presentation it’s self was really interesting and I thought it interesting how she looked back on he life and saw… Continue Reading →

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