Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments, edited by Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers, is a dynamic open-access collection currently in development on MLA Commons. The editors invite your participation in the open peer review of this collection.
Each entry in the collection focuses on a keyword in the field of digital pedagogy (ranging from “queer” to “interface” to “professionalization”) and is curated by an experienced practitioner, who briefly contextualizes a concept and then provides ten supporting artifacts, such as syllabi, prompts, exercises, lesson plans, and student work, drawn from courses, classrooms, and projects across the humanities. New keywords will be added in batches throughout 2015, with fifty keywords to be included in the final project.
Please visit https://digitalpedagogy.commons.mla.org to read through and respond to the first set of keywords, now available for open review. The official review period for the first set of keywords will end on 3 August 2015. You do not have to be a member of the MLA to take part in open peer review, and while this collection focuses on humanities pedagogy, many of the keywords and resources will be relevant to other disciplines.
Keywords and curators in the first batch are:
- Hybrid (Jesse Stommel)
- Interface (Kathi Inman Berens)
- Praxis (Bethany Nowviskie, Jeremy Boggs, and J. K. Purdom Lindblad)
- Queer (Edmond Y. Chang)
- Rhetoric (Douglas Eyman)
- Video (Daniel Anderson and Jason Loan)
Thanks in advance for reading and participating!