I am going to keep it simple and not get into spirituality here. Your essence is like the flavor of a fruit. Whatever the fruit you know there is a corresponding flavor. Much like a fruit every person has an essence that makes a person. Someone’s essence comes out as a personality which is at the core of who they are. Some people are sweet, some people are pleasant, but all are different.
There will be many things around you that will try to change who you are at your core, but remember to feed your soul to keep you centered.
Here are a few things that you can do.
Meditate: in other words quite your mind. Here is a video from Oprah and Deepak Chopra explaining what meditation is http://www.oprah.com/own-super-soul-sunday/deepak-chopra-the-difference-between-meditation-and-prayer-video
Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!: You have got to recover.
Read: This will not only keep your growing physical brain active but also give you perspective. I used to love reading books on philosophy after traveling overseas and meeting kids in high school who studied philosophy in school. I felt like I could learn just like them! I started reading Plato, Socrates, and so many more. Pick something you want to learn about just start reading!
Remember you are NOT ALONE if you ever feel like things are too much or know someone who feels this way The SUICIDE HOTLINE is there to help:
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