Feeding Your Soul

Your Soul, Your Essence

I am going to keep it simple and not get into spirituality here. Your essence is like the flavor of a fruit. Whatever the fruit you know there is a corresponding flavor. Much like a fruit every person has an essence that makes a person. Someone’s essence comes out as a personality which is at the core of who they are. Some people are sweet, some people are pleasant, but all are different.

There will be many things around you that will try to change who you are at your core, but remember to feed your soul to keep you centered.

Here are a few things that you can do.

meditate helps the mindMeditate: in other words quite your mind. Here is a video from Oprah and Deepak Chopra explaining what meditation is http://www.oprah.com/own-super-soul-sunday/deepak-chopra-the-difference-between-meditation-and-prayer-video



Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!: You have got to recover.





Read: This will not only keep your growing physical brain active but also give you perspective. I used to love reading books on philosophy after traveling overseas and meeting kids in high school who studied philosophy in school. I felt like I could learn just like them! I started reading Plato, Socrates, and so many more. Pick something you want to learn about just start reading!



Remember you are NOT ALONE if you ever feel like things are too much or know someone who feels this way The SUICIDE HOTLINE is there to help:

Chat Online: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/


Call the Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


Body, Mind, and Soul

Feed Your Mind

The Mind Picture
Mind from Chabad.org

I recently read a blog by Oliva Goldhill where she explores the mind vs. brain and my main take away for someone who is trying to survive middle school was this, “mental life for an anthropologist or sociologist is profoundly social. Your thoughts, feelings, memories, attention, what you experience in this subjective world is part of mind.” What this means: your socializing will help develop your mind.

All those relationships and experiences you will be investing in for the next 3 years will help your mind. The trick here is to be sure that these experiences are healthy and help you grow as a person.

Don’t forget to dedicate time to learn what makes a healthy relationship.

Here is a TED talk about friends and happiness by Mike Huffy

Preteen Spirit

Sometimes growing up is so hard to do and paying attention to your BODY, MIND & SOUL is what will get you through it. For this blog, we will focus on the body!


Exercise is important Yoga, Dance, or anything that gets you moving will be key. Click on Yoga to take you to Cosmic Kis Yoga


It is great to be a preteen and grow-up, but the added growth comes with all sorts of hormones and smells.

This is the perfect time to get your own shopping trip to stock up on Carmel Soaps shower gels, lotions, and bath salts. Shower every day and get bath bombs or bubble bath soap to have a nice relaxing soak on the weekends.


Make sure that you are now flossing your teeth daily and brushing your teeth. Like my dentist says, “only brush and floss the teeth you want to keep.” I hope you choose to keep all your teeth! Plus, brushing and flossing daily keeps your breath smelling great!


Keeping your toenails and fingernails clean and clipped is also very important. While long nails may be popular, but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you keep them short and trimmed in order to lower the chances of getting germs and infections.


What is that hair doing there? If you don’t know by now people like to have a head full of hair, but hair anywhere else is not welcomed. Why? Well, it turns out that hair harbors a lot of germs which makes things smell bad. Talk to mom about shaving and buy DEODORANT! The deodorant will help you keep friends close. Click here to see a list of different types of deodorants.


If you haven’t already seen bumps on your face you may have been blessed with great genes. For everyone else, there is Face Wash and lots of face washing. If your bumps/acne is really bad then a dermatologist can help.  The Proactive website is a very good resource for everything about acne just click here.

Welcome to Hot Pink Flamingos

This blog is all about growing up and transitioning to middle school. Women in college, in careers, and moms, will answer questions you submit to this blog. The best part is that you can stay anonymous! The first blog will talk about the basics of hygiene and why it is so important. What is trending and where to get it!
Enjoy and welcome to your blog.

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