FAQs- Social Media and Journalism

How has social media changed the travel industry in the last few years?

Luckily, I have a lot of connections when it comes to travel experts and social media influencers, so many were willing to help me out and provide some insight to these questions. Marika Flatt, travel editor for Texas Lifestyle Magazine helped  answer this question through her personal experience. “When we are invited to attend a press trip, it is definitely expected that we will be posting content on our social media platforms. In addition, when I post photos on my personal Facebook page, sometimes I get more interest in the destination that I do through my articles,” Flatt said.

Is social media changing travel for better or worse?

This question is really matter of opinion. From conducting multiple interviews from the points-of-views of the travel expert and the Instagram traveler, I have found that it is really a bit of both– better and worse. Flatt has been in the industry for years, and she believes it is completely better. “Absolutely, 100% it is helpful for the travel and tourism industry. So many travelers initially find out about a destination by way of seeing it on someone’s social media platform. Images are key for travel and tourism these days, and there’s no better way to get those images out there than through Instagram and Facebook,” she said.

However, issues tend to arise with social media as well. Instagram influencer Carrie Rosenbalm explained, “I think it can be harmful when considering popular international destinations. Instagram worthy locations, if you will, have often become so popular that you find yourself waiting in long lines to snap a picture and you’re left with very little time to truly “experience” the location,” illustrating how social media can alter our ability to live in the moment.

How can travel experts and social media influencers work together in the future? 

“Working with influencers can be an advantageous partnership that provides impactful and organic word of mouth type marketing. Travel influencers with an engaged audience have built trust with their followers. That trust allows them to see how they themselves could enjoy the experience that’s being shared,” Rosenbalm explained.

From my interviews and research I have gathered that, like most things, social media has an extensive list of pros and cons when it comes to the travel industry.

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